
Kochi (Cochin) – Kerala Travel Tourist Information

Once colonized by the Portuguese and Dutch, Kochi is the first European settlement established by Europeans in India. As you wander around, you’ll frequently spot buildings with Portuguese and Dutch architectural influences, especially in the Fort Kochi and Mattancherry areas. Walking through these districts, you might easily forget that you’re in India and not Europe.

Strolling through the streets of Fort Kochi, you’ll encounter the distinct Kerala scenery alongside the remnants of colonial architecture, including various old churches like St. Francis Church and Santa Cruz Cathedral Basilica. Additionally, you’ll find many quaint art shops, perfect for taking photos.

In the Mattancherry area, the most famous landmarks include Jew Town, the Paradise Synagogue, and the Dutch Palace. Around the 700s AD, Jewish people arrived in Kochi by sea and settled here, forming their own community, engaging in trade and crafts, and establishing good relations with the local population. This opened a gateway for maritime trade between India and Europe. This area was once the bustling center of the spice trade market. Today, Jew Town still preserves its traditional Jewish culture.

Hello, Kochi~~~ 😃

Note 1:
St. Francis Church, built in 1503, is one of the oldest European churches in India. Its architecture blends European and Indian styles, featuring high ceilings, intricate wood carvings, and stained glass windows. The tombstone of Vasco da Gama, the famous explorer and the first European to reach India by sea, is also located in this church.

Note 2:
Santa Cruz Cathedral Basilica was built in 1505 by the Portuguese and was elevated to a cathedral in 1558, making it one of the oldest European churches in India. The church combines various architectural styles, including Gothic, Baroque, and Portuguese, making it quite unique.

Note 3:
The Dutch Palace, also known as Mattancherry Palace, was originally built by the Portuguese in 1555 and later renovated and expanded by the Dutch in the mid-17th century. The palace houses a large collection of murals depicting Hindu temple art and culture, illustrating myths and legends from both Hinduism and Christianity.


Kochi- 科欽
曾被葡萄牙及荷蘭殖民過的Kochi科欽, 是歐洲人在印度所建立的第一個歐洲小鎮,隨處走走時,都可不時看到具有葡萄牙及荷蘭風味的建築物,其是走在科欽堡Fort Kochi及 MatternCherry此兩區,完完全全會忘了我們目前是身處在印度而非歐洲。

走在Fort Kochi 街上,除了喀拉拉風情的街景外,亦可見在殖民期間,留下的不同風格的建築遺跡及大大小小不同的古老教堂,如聖方濟各教堂St. Francis Church、聖十字聖殿主教座堂Santa Cruz Cathedral Basilica 等。同時,也可看到一堆藝術文青小店,非常適合拍照(哈)

進到MatternCherry此區,最著名的地標就是猶太小鎮 Jew Town 、猶太教堂Paradesi Synagogue 及荷蘭宮殿Dutch Palace了。約莫公元700年左右,猶太人透過航海進入到了Kochi並定居下來,建立了自己的社群並從事貿易和手工藝等行業,也與當地人民建立了良好的關係,就此打開印度與歐洲進行海上貿易的窗口,所以,此區亦曾經是最熱鬧的香料交易市場中心。 時至今日,猶太小鎮上仍保留著猶太傳統和文化。
Hello Kochi~~~ 😃

聖方濟各教堂(St. Francis Church),建於1503年,是印度最古老的歐洲教堂之一。這混和歐式及印度式的建築風格,包括高挑的天花板、精美的木雕和彩色玻璃窗等。第一個從歐洲乘船抵達印度的歐洲人,即著名的探險家瓦斯科•達伽馬(Vasco da Gama)的墓碑也立在此教堂內。

聖十字聖殿主教座堂(Basilica of Santa Cruz Cathedral)於1505年由葡萄牙人建造,並於1558年升格為大教堂,是印度最古老的歐洲教堂之一。此教堂融合了哥德式、巴洛克式、葡萄牙式等不同風格,相當特別。

荷蘭宮殿Dutch Palace,又稱瑪坦切里宮殿(Mattancherry Palace),建於1555年,最初由葡萄牙人建造,後來在17世紀中葉由荷蘭人進行翻新和擴建。 荷蘭宮內藏有大量展示印度教寺廟藝術和文化的壁畫,描繪了印度教和基督教的神話和傳說。

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